Q: I own a 17hh part-bred Shire/Thoroughbred mare and find it very difficult to find big enough rugs and tack to fit.Can you advice on where I should go?
Carolyn Henderson replies: “There are several companies which make made-to-measure rugs, such as Lansdown, (tel: 0117 932 4609).
You might also like to get in touch with the Society of Master Saddlers, (tel: 01449 711 642) and the Shire Horse Society, (tel: 01733 234 451) for further advice.”
Andrew Jackson of Work Horse Sundries, says: “You may like to know that we make heavy horse harnesses and riding tack, some of which can be seen on our website: www.workhorsesundries.com
We can send a free catalogue, including a measurement chart for made-to-measure items.
Contact: 2 Main Street, Wardy Hill, Ely, Cambs, CB6 2DF. (tel: 01353 778 713).