
Prestwold Hall Horse Trials: what riders need to know *H&H VIP*

  • Get the lowdown on this fixture from Eventing magazine's horse trials guide — including what riders say about the event, plus vital statistics

    Date: Sunday 30 – Monday 31 August 2015

    Organiser: BEDE Events
    Contact: 01949 829061; 07717 412167; info@bedeltd.co.uk
    Location: Leicestershire

    Entries open: 27 July
    Ballot date: 7 August at 12 noon
    Entries close: 19 August

    Watch the video

    Link to Prestwold Hall entries: www.britisheventing.com/prestwold-hall

    How to get there

    Prestwold Hall is situated between the A60 and the B676 just north of Loughborough. The event will be signposted from both of these roads.

    What the organisers say

    Showjumping will be in the same arena as before, with a slightly bigger warm-up area. We are looking to move the dressage to an improved area with better ground.

    The cross-country course is a mix of portables and some permanent fences around the estate. The course covers open parkland and woodland in the heart of Quorn hunting country and there are a number of hedges for all classes. A similar route for all classes in 2015. These courses are designed to be educational and encouraging for all levels.

    What the riders say

    Dressage & showjumping — “The dressage layout could be more organised.” “Dressage warm-up is a fair walk from the lorry park but is flat and the arenas are well spaced from one another.” “The showjumping warm-up is large but on a bit of a hill, the arena is flatter.” “Due to the undulations in the ring, it’s difficult to build a decent course.” “Was a very wet day so ground was understandably deep, but they did the most fantastic job to keep the show on the road.”

    Cross-country — “Lots of portables but some nice hedges are incorporated. The course did not flow for me and was rather twisty, but the actual fences were educational and well built.” “The finish is in a completely different location to where the course starts.” “The country is flat with few alternatives, and the start is quite nappy as the first fence jumps straight into another field, close to the start box.” “Well-built course, suited to braver horses.”

    Percentage of cross-country clears 2014

    ON: 67%
    BE100 Open:
    : 83%

    Download part two of the horse trials guide for just £1.49: Eventing horse trials guide part two